Thursday, August 8, 2013

Verse 4

"The Tao is empty but inexhaustible,
bottomless, the ancestor of it all.

Within it, the sharp edges become smooth;
the twisted knots loosen;
the sun is softened by a cloud;
the dust settles into place.

It is hidden but always present.
I do not know who gave birth to it.
It seems to be the common ancestor of all, the father of things."

The Tao is empty but inexhaustible. I have always attempted to allow my thoughts to venture where they may for meanings to such statements. Truly, the best meanings seem to come when I "try" the least. And for me, reading the Tao has always seemed so self explanatory for the most part. However, at times such as this I tend to find myself questioning what Lao-tzu was getting at here. Could he have meant that the Tao is empty in the sense that it welcomes all, that there is room or acceptance for all? As discussed in verse 3, an empty cup can be filled. Then on to say it is inexhaustible in it's giving or blessings? Could he have meant that there is a constant "give and take" of energy, back and forth from one plane to the other? Perhaps he only tries to put across what he seems to reiterate countless times over the entire script which would be the apparent paradox of the Tao in many aspects. In this case being both empty and full at the same time. These words, when considered, can only really pertain to our physical plane however as there is neither full nor empty in the "spiritual" realm. Perhaps it's best to say simply and without deep contemplation that the Tao or God is simply everything. Then go on to say that it brought forth all things from itself, the never ending, no beginning, abundant life Source of all.... Sounds good to me.
 On to paragraph two, things seem to become a bit more clear I think. Simply stated, God has a way of streamlining our lives. Once we learn to become still, quiet the mind and hear that voice speaking out from our center, our actions will become more connected, more smooth. All of the unnecessary struggles or detours can be avoided and our life can go from a life of occasional happiness with things "going our way" sometimes to a life of rich, deep happiness virtually all the time. This is not to say that there will never be struggles, yes that's a bit too extreme. (And I am a firm believer in any extreme being bad) But even in struggles you will feel a contentment knowing that it too is needed at that time for some form of growth. Once that is known, struggles, or what will then magically transform  into challenges will cease to become a negative experience and begin to fuel your growth upward. I tend to like the way in which this paragraph is written as it really makes me feel the comfort that is God. That "just perfect" feeling. I can't explain it any simpler than that.
 Paragraph three, the scientific mans version: God is the hidden framework that is found behind this fancy facade we call reality. Perhaps that doesn't fit every persons grand idea of what it written and I myself tend to see more than that because in my humble opinion, God is everything. The creator and the created. I believe (ok, admittedly with some scientific backing as well as spiritual. Yesss I like both, sue me.) that all that exists on the physical plane is created from pure spiritual energy. God energy if you will. Scientific proof: when sub atomic particles (with a proven mass) are accelerated really really......really (one more) really fast and they collide, the only "thing" remaining is energy. That's correct, zero mass or in layman's terms, no little sub atomic particle particles to sweep out. I like the thought of Oneness. It makes me feel closer to all people and nature alike. No longer do I view a person as a separate being but as a part of the body of God, my body. 
 So in closing, perhaps an old saying coupled with a zesty new add-on could be a good way to end our journey through verse 4. And dare I say it, possibly become the next big hit bumper sticker.
"Go with God....Cuz it just feels right!"

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