Saturday, September 17, 2011

Welcome to Loa Tzu's Tao Te Ching

Hello all, 
 I'm not a good writer but feel compelled to start this blog in the interests of bringing a better awareness of peace and understanding to the world. Many of the verses of the Tao parallel the Bible so closely as well as other holy texts that one could swear that they were taken from the same "book". If this teaches us anything, it's that wisdom has come all through the ages from many enlightened individuals. It is our job as human beings to embrace this wisdom and understand that it doesn't lie in any one "religion" but instead  manifests itself through many different channels. When we learn to tear down the barriers of Religion, Culture and all other separatist beliefs,  and realize that we are One People, One Family ,One Whole, we will begin to change the world. 
 Although there are many books written on the Tao, I recommend reading "Change your thoughts, change your life. Living the wisdom of the Tao" by Dr Wayne Dyer. In his book, Dr Dyer Quotes each Verse followed by a short and to the point interpretation of what the Sage meant to teach us. I think I can safely say that the combined knowledge of the original Sage and Dr Dyer have come together to create a very powerful book.
 It is my wish to see this blog become a reading and meeting place where like and opposing minds can come together and share all of their thoughts. All that I ask is that we remember to be respectful of all opinions and ideas remembering that there are many roads that lead us to the Truth. It is worth mentioning that all the fragmented ideas we bring to the table will do their part in piecing together the Eternal Truth of God
 So with that in mind, I wish you all the Peace, Love and Happiness that is God. Together we can make a difference in this world, for this world.  Namaste.

Humbly, a servant to all,


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to this. Been reading Dr Dyer for a long time! I have
    Read the toa te ching off & on, for years, and he adds simplicity to it's understanding!
